Muere el coreógrafo y estrella de ‘Joseph’ Henry Metcalfe
El intérprete interpretó a ‘Joseph’ durante varios años y coreografió la producción de Bill Kenwright
Ha fallecido el actor, coreógrafo y director Henry Metcalfe.
Nacido en Durham, Metcalfe, el legendario intérprete en las producciones teatrales de Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, proporcionó la coreografía para la producción original de Bill Kenwright del musical de Andrew Lloyd Webber y Tim Rice, e interpretó los papeles de Potiphar y Jacob en varias ocasiones. Metcalfe falleció pacíficamente en un hospital de Coventry, según el director musical David Steadman.
Metcalfe trabajó con Kenwright en una gran cantidad de ocasiones, con programas como Aladdin, Jesucristo Superstar, Hair y Robin – Prince of Sherwood. El artista había coreografiado anteriormente espectáculos como la producción de 2006 de Whistle Down the Wind y Piaf de 2003, ambas en el West End.

Los homenajes para Metcalfe se han vertido en onlínea:
Henry Metcalfe you were a gentleman amongst gentlemen sir x thank you for loving and nurturing our clients XXX — CBL Management (@cblmanagement) October 10, 2020
Sad news about Henry Metcalfe. Photographed him many times on Joseph tours. What a legend. No one knew that show like him. RIP Henry. — Darren Bell (@darren_bell) October 10, 2020
The absolute personification of a professional. His work ethic and love for “Joseph” was both infectious and inspiring. Heaven really has ” One More Angel” in Henry Metcalfe. — Damien Tracey (@DAMIENTRACEYPRO) October 10, 2020
Terribly saddened to hear of the passing of Henry Metcalfe. He’s been in the touring company of Joseph for as long as I can remember playing Jacob as well as roles including choreographer and co-director. A theatre legend. One more angel in heaven — Beyond The Curtain (@beyondcurtain12) October 10, 2020
Sad to hear the passing of the mighty Henry Metcalfe! A huge integral part of the Joseph family! rest in peace lovely man! thoughts and love to his family and friends — Joe McElderry (@joemcelderry91) October 10, 2020
What an honour it was to have worked with Henry Metcalfe on the spring tour of @BKL_Productions Joseph. A true legend and the heart of the show. RIP H. — Archie Macleod (@archiemacleod) October 10, 2020
Henry Metcalfe; frustratingly headstrong, incomparably passionate and creatively superlative! We had a unique relationship, grateful that our last words were so beautiful! Thanks for taking a chance on me. Rest in peace love from your Sallie-Anne Teacake
#josephuktour — Sallie-BethLawless (@SallieBLawless) October 11, 2020